[FFXIV Guide] Lightning... Turn 3!

[FFXIV Guide] Lightning... Turn 3! - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] Lightning... Turn 3!, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

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[FFXIV Guide] Lightning... Turn 3!

Yesterday a new chapter of the event got released and players are able to get Lightnings or Snows boots now. This time you have to do a FATE again, but at least it's a new one. A Clockwork Dreadnought spawns and you have to take it down together with Lightning.
The full event starts to get a story finally, and after completing your mission you even get rewarded with a small cutscene with Lightning herself.
The event is getting better guys! Can't wait to see what's next!

This is all about [FFXIV Guide] Lightning... Turn 3!

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