[FFXIV Guide] Lightning part 2

[FFXIV Guide] Lightning part 2 - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] Lightning part 2, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

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[FFXIV Guide] Lightning part 2

The second part of the Lightning event is at least a FATE which is completely new this time. A big monster called "Armored Beast" spawns and you have to help Lightning to kill it. The FATE is for level 26 so low level characters can participate as well. I guess for the following FATEs you might need to be a bit more higher in the level, but let's see.

Yet again - if it's too crowded in the area you can't see Lightning. To get some more screenshots of her I made the FATE again at morning. Enjoy the pictures I took:
And here an example how everything looks if there are too many people around:
As reward for this FATE you get Lightnings trousers (female characters) or Snows trousers (male characters). I love the skin!

This is all about [FFXIV Guide] Lightning part 2

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