[FFXIV Guide] Aaaand Lightning... is gone? ;_;

[FFXIV Guide] Aaaand Lightning... is gone? ;_; - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] Aaaand Lightning... is gone? ;_;, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

Post Title : [FFXIV Guide] Aaaand Lightning... is gone? ;_;
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[FFXIV Guide] Aaaand Lightning... is gone? ;_;

The fourth phase of the Lightning event is online now and I was finally able to get the cool chestpiece from Snow. You can take the new quest in Gridania again and then head over to Mor Dhona, were you first have to join a FATE and defeat small monsters. After that a big boss called Aspect of Chaos is spawning and Lightning summons Odin to aid us in battle. Was quite fun, even thought it was pretty crowded!
After finishing the FATE you have to go back to Gridania and you'll be able to watch a small cutscene. Sadly that's it and Lightning will disappear... 
Bye, bye, Lightning, was nice to meet you! And thanks for the awesome costume you gave me!! ^_^

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