[FFXIV Guide] Mr. Rogue

[FFXIV Guide] Mr. Rogue - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] Mr. Rogue, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

Post Title : [FFXIV Guide] Mr. Rogue
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[FFXIV Guide] Mr. Rogue

Yup, I'm a Rogue now! :D
Can't wait to reach level 30 with my Rogue and turn into a badass Ninja! For now I'm level 16, so I got some more grind to do here! It's pretty funny to do FATEs atm, because 90% of the player base is currently leveling a Rogue/Ninja...

I'm totally in love with the cutscenes from the Rogue Guild - specially V'kebbe made me laugh so hard after Jacke stole her supper.
 And people keep telling me that I look scary when I'm pissed!!!
I also enjoy those sneaky tasks and confront the enemies behind their backs.
Catch you guys later!!

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