[FFXIV Guide] European Data Centers are coming!

[FFXIV Guide] European Data Centers are coming! - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] European Data Centers are coming!, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

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[FFXIV Guide] European Data Centers are coming!

Attention, european players!

Square Enix (SE) announced that European Data Centers will be coming in the future. At the moment, I'm sure that every european player among us knows that the current EU Servers are located in Canada, so some of us have to deal with a pretty high ping and are unable to play without programs like WTFast or BattlePing.

This however, is going to change in the future. SE is currently looking for a good location in Europe for the servers. I'll let you know once there is more information known.

It's highly likely that the current EU Servers (Chaos, Zodiark, Lich, Moogle, Odin, Shiva, Cerberus, Ragnarok, Phoenix) will just get relocated and no new servers will be implented. Some people are currently afraid that Square would make them pay money to transfer to a new server, just because it's located in the EU. But to be really honest - SE can't do this, as they'd lose a lot of their reputation again, and they really can't afford that! So don't be afraid and look forward to the upcoming EU Data Centers!

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