[FFXIV Guide] I won an Ahriman Choker

[FFXIV Guide] I won an Ahriman Choker - Hello, Final Fantasy XIV Guide Blog Readers, today we are sharing you [FFXIV Guide] I won an Ahriman Choker, We are trying to share everything about this topic completely for you. We hope that you can truly understand what is inside this post.

Post Title : [FFXIV Guide] I won an Ahriman Choker
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[FFXIV Guide] I won an Ahriman Choker

Woop, those days I logged into Eorzea and got a mail from SE, telling me that I am one of the 100 winners of the Starlight Celebration Screenshot contest! The mail was in german, simply because I think I sumbitted the picture in the german sub-forums. x)
I submitted the following screenshot to participate:
I am really happy that I won, so now I'm going to show you my new Ahriman Choker!
It is really detailed (look at the cute wings on the back!), but sadly most of my regular gear is covering it so you don't see it.

The "stats" (if you can call it stats, haha) are quite useless too! It's really just a nice skin.

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